Dear Families,
I hope you are all doing well.
Here is some information for this week:
Covid-19 Update
- We currently have ONE active case of Covid-19 in our school
Substance Abuse Workshop
- The WQSB Drug Awareness Resource Team in collaboration with The Portage Treatment Centre is hosting a webinar regarding teens and substance use
- Please see the attached poster for more information
Extra Help for Students
- I have attached a document to this email with some resources students can access if they are looking for academic support
- Here is a link for a list of available tutors as well as information for LEARN Quebec which is free, online support:
Connexions Webinar
- Please see the attached poster for a Joyful Living webinar hosted by Connexions
Have a great weekend!
Tara Laine
Symmes Junior High School/D’Arcy McGee High School
819-684-7472 x 437001