Dear Families,
I hope you are doing well.
Here is some information for this week:
WQSB Communication
- The Western Québec School Board, in an effort to improve its communication to parents, will begin sending email messages and letters directly to parents and guardians rather than sending messages to you through the principals
- The first message they send may be directed to your Junk Folder so please check your Junk Folder for sender in the next day or two for a message from them on the Solar Eclipse
Spring Boutique
- School clothing is once again available!
- Please see the attached flyer and visit the following link if you are interested in ordering:
- Please note that the ordering deadline is April 7th
Outaouais Earth Day 2024
- Here is some information about upcoming Earth Day events in our community:
Upcoming Vaccines
- Public Heath and CISSSO will be offering vaccines (measles and meningitis) to students in May
- On May 2, grades 9 & 11 will be offered these vaccines
- On May 3, grades 7, 8, & 10 will be offered these vaccines
- Please note that for students under the age of 14, parental consent is required
- I will be sending more information and consent forms in the coming weeks
Upcoming Dates
- April 8th – PD Day
- April 19th – PD Day
- May 2nd – grades 9 & 11 vaccines
- May 3rd – grades 7. 8 & 10 vaccines
Have a nice weekend!
Tara Laine Directrice Principal Symmes-D’Arcy McGee High School |